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  • 5 lb ABC Rated fire extinguisher
    • Is it secured and away from potential flame sources?
    • Does everyone in the booth know it's location and how to use it?
  • 2 - 5 gal buckets with water in one and wet burlap in the other
    • Are they marked and in a location that is visible?
  • Propane tanks secured with either a strap or in an enclosure
    • Make a note of the amount of propane at the booth and if they have more than 25 gals in one location, write the location down in the folder at Fire Camp. This could be multiple tanks so look and ask.
  • Does the booth have a plan for evacuation and fire suppression and has it been practiced?
  • If the booth is cooking with a hot oil fryer, do they have a K Class extinguisher?
  • Take a look at their camping area. Are there obvious potential ignition points?
  • If camping, do they have the necessary stuff?

Leave 'em smiling and happy to be at the Fair.


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